Hi, I’m Tom😊. I’ve been an animal and dog lover since I was a kid! When Nikki and I got married, I became a proud fur dad to her two beloved English Bulldog brothers. Taking care of their special needs and medications taught me a great deal about senior dog care. Sadly, we had to say goodbye to both of them😢, and our home has felt pretty empty without the tippy tap sounds of their toebeans running around everywhere😔. We truly miss the joy and companionship dogs bring, and that is why we decided to open up our hearts and home to provide exceptional love and superior care to the wonderful dogs of our community. We consider your dogs not just pets, but cherished members of our own family🐶❤️🐶!


Hi, I’m Nikki😄. I’ve had a dog obsession for as long as I can remember🐶😍😂! Yes, I’m “that dog person” that whenever I see a furry floof off in the distance, I stop everything I’m doing and run over to squish it🤣. It’s literally impossible for me not to get attached to every dog under our care😆. As a matter of fact, Tom often jokes about how I need to go to therapy because I just want to hold onto each dog that comes over and continue spoiling it with love forever, while he also reminds me that I eventually do have to return the dog back to their family🤣! I have owned and loved 3 English Bulldogs, a breed notorious for being extremely high maintenance (in every aspect😆). And because of my experience owning multiple dogs from this AMAZING (but VERY high maintenance) breed, I’ve been trained extensively to pay very close attention to any sudden or abnormal changes in a dog’s behavior. By default, all dogs under our care are treated like our own❤️, and we don’t know any other way to treat these precious creatures that Tom and I both consider angels on earth😇🥰!


We can’t wait to meet you and your fur baby😄